
 Still falling 2 She loved him. Funny how this could be, but then He was her soul mate. After several rounds of beating, their love story will always continue. She was being used and yet felt helpless. She's built her world solely around him and she couldn't dare chasing after her freedom. She was a Church girl and Jesus baby but Her boyfriend was the opposite. πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£The Present dayπŸ‘£ She is now a business tycoon. She is now a bosslady, she helps big brand increase their feasibility to the whole world. She is always six steps ahead of her game. She just sealed a contract with a company, and that's a win win for her. She and her girls planned going on a vacation in celebration of this. Entering into the Plane joyfully. The Pilot came in to address them. Looking up to see the pilot; she got the shock of her Life. It was her long time boyfriend. Her heart struck, his heart couldn't handle it, he rushed out. ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ She cried deeply after

Still Falling 1

 Still falling 1 I was really touched. It was all a toxic relationship. If it should be called love or lust, I don't know. They met during their University days. He behaves as if all power in heaven and on Earth has been willed to Him, is he God? This fateful day, he found his babe speaking with a guy in the school environment. In his stupid act of jealousy, with no investigation of what his babe was discussing with the guy. He dragged her home in anger, beat her mercilessly. He went as far as slitting his wrist, and made her to drink the blood that gushed out from that spot. He made her have make an Oath to never leave him. Oh, this is beyond being toxic but being abusive. He locked her up for 48hours with no food or water to drink. He abused her body.


  How do you guys handle rejection? I don't mind you using the comment box. They will say it's better trying than not attempting to do anything new. But what is the case where by you keep trying and you keep being rejected? What is the case where by you keep wanting to being the friends of great influencers and they keep acting cold toward you as if you aren't in their Calibre? What if you've been applying for a particular Job and your requests keep getting turned down? During my previous Baptist Student Fellowship camping program at Bowen University, one of our mama, the invited guest, made a statement, if they aren't calling you to their table, create your table, which means The Long time opportunity you've been waiting for might not be granted to you through that particular source you've always fixed your mind to, perhaps a clique, a body of companies etc but do not be discouraged because you have what it takes to create your own clique, your own circle.


  The story of My LifeπŸ˜€πŸ€. On the 27th May; the world's Children day, I was privileged to speak with some Teenagers with the program tagged " The story of my life". When given this topic - I was amazed that, what could be that thing that birth this topic, what's the secret behind the visioneer tagging the program 'The story of my life". I quickly keyed into the spirit of the move, since I had to deliver and that's one of the best thing I can never be tired of; impacting the coming generation. The things I got to share with them was that:- 1. You need to be careful of whom you talk to during your down times:- Lot of people shatter their heart further by approaching or seeking for counsel in their down moment, I am not disregarding the fact that whom you will approach must balance their conversation with you in the sense that; when they need to scold you, they must. When they need to draw you into their arms they will surely do that; apparently it would co


 WHY I LOST MY VOICE. I was so furious and burning with anger within me on that fateful day. Immediately I started feeling, God intentionally did this, so as to save my reputation, so as not to cause me to making the matter worse. I was so much ready to fight tooth and nail that fateful day. What was the matter? A fierce argument was going on with different proofs from both parties. I was disagreeing and agreeing within me but the level of my disagreement was much more higher than the agreement. "I needed to speak up, I needed to contribute to what's been said, because what's all these false accusations, I won't sit here and listen to all these things " Those were the thought running in my head and spoken  through my heart. I know there are situations you are going through, that if at all, you are given the chance to involve yourself in, It might turn the whole situation around for bad, not because your opinion is bad, but there will be misunderstanding, you might

Virus Detected

Virus Detected! Scientists have revived a 'zombie' virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost. - CNN News reads This scientist will sure be excited but what for? frowns face, lol. Anyways What came to my mind seeing this headline some weeks ago was the "All of us are dead" movie. Starting out seeing this movie in my closet, I was thinking aloud; what could be the reason behind this title, what's the log line etc But lo and behold, the end of this movie isn't in anyway better than the beginning. Then I came to the conclusion that indeed 'all of them are dead" 'cos it was so brutal to see so much walking deads in the land of the living! Lol Virus Detected!  These are some characteristics of virus, it is infectious, they are minute in size, they can be found in the host body. I am not even talking about this zombie virus of a thing but virus in general. Is this relatable at all? Bimpe was once a good church girl, suddenly she started acting w

Fix it

 I waited for Her after so much plea. I was actually late for the event we were both going for, but all in the name of her wanting us getting to the venue at the same time, I had no choice than to wait for her. How would you feel when you are in haste heading to a place, and being delayed intermittently over and over again? Wait for me! Wait jhor!! she exclaimed. Casting a glance at her from the front, I realised she was been delayed by a slight issue caused by her footwear. I had to be a bit empathetic, and later told the me-in-me to chill, and wait for her. Smiles. You have to FIX IT ALL. In the journey of life, there are some things that might serve as hindrances to taking some further steps in life. That particular goal comes with so much, that the steps or your mission in accomplishing those set visions must be with no k-leg in your own best knowledge and counsel, or else you won't get the accurate result you've dreamt of. Laying aside every weights that easily beset..Heb