Virus Detected

Virus Detected!

Scientists have revived a 'zombie' virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost. - CNN News reads

This scientist will sure be excited but what for? frowns face, lol. Anyways What came to my mind seeing this headline some weeks ago was the "All of us are dead" movie. Starting out seeing this movie in my closet, I was thinking aloud; what could be the reason behind this title, what's the log line etc But lo and behold, the end of this movie isn't in anyway better than the beginning. Then I came to the conclusion that indeed 'all of them are dead" 'cos it was so brutal to see so much walking deads in the land of the living! Lol

Virus Detected! 
These are some characteristics of virus, it is infectious, they are minute in size, they can be found in the host body.

I am not even talking about this zombie virus of a thing but virus in general. Is this relatable at all?

Bimpe was once a good church girl, suddenly she started acting weird and so different (not a positive difference oo). What could be wrong? something minute must have penetrated her mind.

We noticed in Church that her set of friends have changed, sure you won't argue with me that there are different set of Christians in the body of Christ today.

Even in the street, It was so obvious that something has gone wrong with her thinking faculty. Her way of dressing now, you really need to question her if she is still with us or on the fence.

There is no meeting she is, that we won't know she is present and not that she is constructively right and temperate in her words or opinion during the meeting but she just want to be known as that sophisticated lady.

Oh! I didn't tell you about her walking steps too, especially when approaching a handsome, huge, dark and tall guy with six packs, all these physical appearances mesmerizes her, you can easily read that in her love-stricken eye balls.

The night will fall and the morning will come if I should continue with this young lady's story.

But then, a virus has been detected in her which she's aware of and now in a state of dilemma to removing the virus.

Oh! Yes! I remembered Wilson too, he has always been this guy wey dey give people vibes on vibes but suddenly His spirit went low, he started withdrawing Himself from almost everyone.

His facial expression depicts "what-should-I-be-happy for-in-this-moment?"

I know he is in his down moment but then behind every action there is always a reason, no matter how flimsy it may be. Let me make assumptions for Him, perhaps someone betrayed his trust, may be everything isn't coming out as expected for Him or could it be that he found himself in the condemnation zone in which the devil has been holding him captive? 
Oh! I remember this movie ' the mobile prison' perhaps He just needs to forgive someone! 

Anyways, a lot of characters, but let me find a way of helping these two first so that you (my reader) will know how to deal with yours later.

Virus aren't motile by themselves, they enter the host through wounds or vectors. They are always active in the host.

Having a virus in you as listed above in these two characters will never make you function well but malfunction.
Have you given it a thought, Am I wired to be like this in the first place? or something something affected me and here I am, I keep depleting to be someone I am not meant to be! Gosh!

Virus ruins, it will destroy your immunity until you get rid of it. 
The virus might have come in via different emotional wounds or trauma which you have no power to control in time past, but here and now is the day of freedom!

You must go on personal evaluation journey to  detect this virus, afterwards apply all neccessary solutions by speaking to the one who created you, opening up to a solution oriented person, have an accountability mentor and here you go---- 

You can't afford to be a walking dead in the Land of the living.
Virus detected can turn Virus cleaned only with prayers and actions!
In between I heard the season two of All of them are dead will be out soon, I will kuku see it, you nko?πŸ₯±

© Adedokun Grace


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