My Treasure!
I never knew,
It never occured to me,
I am so much entangled with it,
It's thought alone give me Joy,
If only I could wrap my hands around it,
Imaginations overflow
Heart flooded with fantasies,
But yet,
I will never admit my heart is so much cling to it,
On a fateful day,
Trying to play the game,
Game that makes way for my pain,
I never knew I couldn't survive a minute without my It,
My heart cringed,
Just like a fringe
Couldn't move an inch,
What a great relieve,
Until I found it again,
My heart experienced Peace!
Determined to stay connected,
Not giving a damn to being divided,
Structured to be elevated,
With only it's help,
My Treasure can be
God, Family, Value, Spouse, Career, Worth,
Treating them with utmost importance makes you rise,
I owe it all to where it is,
Now convinced,
Where my Treasure is,
My Heart lives there.
(Luke 12:34)🌹🌹
© TheGracedPen'24
Beautiful piece