Guard your heart

 Kamsi; my sister registered for that exam just the same time her friend did.

Most of her friends were scheduled to write the exams before her.

I've always told Kamsi not to get herself worried about the whole exam stuff but she should just try her best and keep studying hard. 

A day to her exams, she checked up on her friends that wrote the exam a day before, and the report they gave her was sounding so scary. 

One of her friend said, the questions were too hard, I couldn't even finish the exam, the other said; 'reading is just a scam, this exam is just a trap'.

Kamsi on the other end became very anxious and so worried if all she read will ever come out as part of the exam questions.

Now, the D-Day is here, she mustered up courage, she entered into the exam hall, prayed and started. The first five questions she couldn't solve them, she got overwhelmed and suppressed by the fear of failing, as she remembered what her friend's report was.

She was in that state for few minutes. She then remembered this spoken word of God; HolySpirit will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things.

She kept muttering those words, till she regained her strength and confidence of forging ahead with the questions, she started remembering everything she read.

Most of us are like Kamsi, even after a whole lot of preparation for certain issues of Life, we get so carried away and distabilized by what other people's negative report.

We are easily swayed by others conviction or thought process.

Believe God, yourself and be very careful of what you take in to your heart through your eyes, ears, heart, those you grant access to.

You aren't a failure!

You are doing well!

You are fulfilling purpose!

Shun the voice of the Devil.

Feel free to share your experience in the comment section.🌹

© TheGracedPen'24


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