Still falling 2

She loved him.

Funny how this could be, but then He was her soul mate.

After several rounds of beating, their love story will always continue.

She was being used and yet felt helpless.

She's built her world solely around him and she couldn't dare chasing after her freedom.

She was a Church girl and Jesus baby but Her boyfriend was the opposite.

πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£The Present dayπŸ‘£

She is now a business tycoon.

She is now a bosslady, she helps big brand increase their feasibility to the whole world.

She is always six steps ahead of her game.

She just sealed a contract with a company, and that's a win win for her.

She and her girls planned going on a vacation in celebration of this.

Entering into the Plane joyfully.

The Pilot came in to address them.

Looking up to see the pilot; she got the shock of her Life.

It was her long time boyfriend.

Her heart struck, his heart couldn't handle it, he rushed out.


She cried deeply after returning from the vacation.

After 7years of being shattered, destroyed, wasted, she saw Him.

She felt like that raging anger for revenge.

He proposed seeing her at a restaurant.

After so much plea, she gave in to seeing him, to hear what he would say.

He started the story, of how he left without saying goodbye.

He said he died for 4mins.

He was poisoned by some of his close Ally.

Thank God, he regained consciousness afterwards.

Then he travelled out to Australia, that was the changing point for him.

She thanked God sarcastically on his behalf, but she wondered how could he travel out with his poor state.

He then revealed that his father is a well known minister of God, and they are well to do in their family.

He was just a rebel to his family and father's ministry.

So, his father used that opportunity to fly him out.


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