The story of My LifeπŸ˜€πŸ€.

On the 27th May; the world's Children day, I was privileged to speak with some Teenagers with the program tagged " The story of my life".

When given this topic - I was amazed that, what could be that thing that birth this topic, what's the secret behind the visioneer tagging the program 'The story of my life".

I quickly keyed into the spirit of the move, since I had to deliver and that's one of the best thing I can never be tired of; impacting the coming generation.

The things I got to share with them was that:-

1. You need to be careful of whom you talk to during your down times:- Lot of people shatter their heart further by approaching or seeking for counsel in their down moment, I am not disregarding the fact that whom you will approach must balance their conversation with you in the sense that; when they need to scold you, they must. When they need to draw you into their arms they will surely do that; apparently it would cost them nothing. Be discerning of those you are talking to during these moments, all you need is a soul lifting words.

2. Never underestimate the place of personal retreat and evaluation:- It's a great thing receiving people's applaud of how you've been doing well so far in your endeavors. Anyways that's all they could see and they are being sincere about it. But beyond all those, you need to be sincere with yourself. Why? because you are made for more, you are meant for the extraordinary, so not having personal retreat to see where you are lagging will cause more havoc than good. You need to go in, shut your doors, evaluate, retreat, learn, relearn and unlearn. You will do much more better.

3. Never underestimate the power of planning:-  I might not be so perfect of seeing the result of my planning so massively 100% now but I know it pays not be caught unawares in some things you are meant to be doing at the moment. Fine; man plans but God makes the plan comes to pass. But still do your part as God will crown your efforts and direct you to the right path.

4. Seek God's Face, If He isn't involved, it's about time it gets crashed:- God's involvement in our lives dealings is the key to living a fulfilled life; no capping at all. It's good getting people involved but Get God involved too. What you are building outside of God will be crushed.

5. The Devil will always use your weakness against you:- Stay at alert, the devil has only come to steal, kill and destroy, but God has come to give you life. Do not give the devil a little chance, that loophole which is that weakness; that bad side of you. I believe it can be worked upon by God's strength. And stay open to receive Help too, it will surely go a long way.

6. God is making something out of you: He is making pure shining gold through your life. There might not be a great story without scars, there might not be gain without pain, but trust me all aren't going to be wasted. It's making you better and stronger, God is making greater things spring forth from your Nazareth.

I love you. Keep your heads up high πŸ₯‡πŸ’Ž.

© Adedokun Grace



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