

 Integrity🥀🥀🥀 Starting out by its definition: Integrity is steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. There is no integrity without that same steadfastness written up there, Integrity has to be constantly expressed or played out. A man of Integrity is a man of honour. 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀 A man of Integrity is a man of his words. A man of Integrity is a man who knows the right time to set boundaries A man of Integrity is a man who won't comprise his standards for anything A man of Integrity is a man who has proved himself so worthy after so much tested loyalty. It really feels good to live and work with integrity and, when you become known for this highly valued trait, your lives and our careers can flourish. 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀 It could be said that integrity is always doing the right thing, even when no one is looking, and even when the choice isn't easy. Or, it can be seen as staying true to yourself and your word, even when you're faced w

Divine Plan

 03/03 Divine PLAN 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 What's your problem? The next time you do that in the wrong way! I will make sure you keep repeating this process !  Okay? Sade's madam yelled at her. At that instant Sade was actually clueless of what to do to make her madam's drawn-out desired result come to reality. I've put in so much best to satisfy her, as she bids me to do it this way, I did!! Sade muttered to herself. 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 The sound of knock from her door made her realise it was all a dream , she yearns as she heard her dad's voice "It's 6am already and you still on the bed? It's time for devotion.   I hope I will last in this woman's fashions hub, her attitude keeps turning me off every now and then, I can't even think straight again, even in my dream world!!! Jeez!! I hope the day will end on a good note.  She pulled herself up from the bed, staggering to rise up.    The Place of Divine Plan is the foundation for greatness for every b

Soul and Spirit

  Soul: Why won't I condemn you? Why won't I judge you? You are just resident in here without doing anything.  God's spirit: Why would you condemn yourself when I am not doing so, why would you judge yourself? Self condemnation leads to nothing other than depression. Don't get stuck at that phase. There will always be a way out of all situations and problem. Brace up and do the needful with the right resources made available around you. Are you ready to yield? Romans 8:34

I am here for you💏

 I am here for you💏 Na so I heard Jaymike and Tmike's song in my spirit🤩 I don't know what you are thinking, but let me share with you what came ringing in my head💐🤩 Back to the memory lane of you being a child; If permitted to choose between an enforcing parent and a parent who makes you see reasons why you shouldn't or should engage in a particular activity or action, which would you go for?📝 I know you'd chose the previous one. God is a good God, he won't force His will on you; Never! and that doesn't depict He is a wicked God. He won't watch you wander away in the wilderness with no direction to go and trust me, he doesnt delight seeing you in this condition. But still He would not force His will on you! Some chose an irrational way of putting God to test/confirming every decision in their lives. This is what I mean, God; ¹ if you know this is your will for my life, let rain begin to fall, God, ² If you want me to do this, let there be power supply

SMT EXCERPT 2 (Adesuwa's)

  I am not even sure Adesuwa is strong enough to disentangle herself from her financially abusive husband? And will the complexities in her personal life affect her ability to earn? You would agree with me that the strength of an African women was/ is often measured by the amount of pain and struggled they could tolerate!! Imagine that 🙄😲 And this was the absurd encouragement her mother will always say to her ears anytime she feels like quitting. Leaving her with the hope that something better might still come from that 'animal in human clothing' or better still inhumane, Adesuwa too who isn't happy with the whole situation but wouldn't want to be tag with the name, "divorcee, single mother, or a failure in marriage matters"... What was even Soji's offence, I don't mean to hate him but with all surety I know you'll be able to judge if it was Adesuwa's fault being a responsible mother and wife to the core. Adesuwa and Soji was married and gave

Excerpt 1 - The Smart Money Tribe

  It was how Tsola asked about Tami's pitch for me, He meant good for Tami, because Tsola was in the best position to guide Tami on how to go about making her business plans come to reality. Tami pitch was full of her problems not where she wanted to see her business in the next five years. Okay pitch; Elevators pitch is telling people about your business, what you do for few minutes you are being given. You must be able to summarise it without excluding the important things your brand is made up of. When Tami wasn't getting it so well, Tsola quickly ran through the breakdown of what he ought to be informed about if he would be able to profer solution to her challenge in the Fashions industry;  How she came across being a world known classic fashion designer, the production, the marketing, customer acquisition strategy, financials, revenue streams, main costs, key players, profits, pricing strategy, customer acquisition strategy, what makes up your highest cost etc. Tami was so

Age plus Value

  "Desmond is way younger than me", Beatrice told her. I was 25years of age when he was still 19years Old, what form of insolence is that? Anyways no blames on him, I stooped so low relating with him and that's changing henceforth. Amanda responded, I don't think age difference is the issue here. Okay, fine! You've been relating with him for awhile now, If I may ask; what have you invested in him? Not investment of money but of Value? Don't mistaken this as promoting disrespect or insolence of any form, but as a challenge. Respect for sure is Reciprocal. I feel it's not about the age difference, it's about value. Value expresses greater bond between two individuals and commands respect automatically. Some humans might not want to acknowledge this really, but even if they don't praise you to your face for emitting so much value, they know that from the top to the bottom of their heart. May be age is just a number but age plus value can be a catalyst