Excerpt 1 - The Smart Money Tribe
It was how Tsola asked about Tami's pitch for me,
He meant good for Tami, because Tsola was in the best position to guide Tami on how to go about making her business plans come to reality.
Tami pitch was full of her problems not where she wanted to see her business in the next five years.
Okay pitch; Elevators pitch is telling people about your business, what you do for few minutes you are being given. You must be able to summarise it without excluding the important things your brand is made up of.
When Tami wasn't getting it so well, Tsola quickly ran through the breakdown of what he ought to be informed about if he would be able to profer solution to her challenge in the Fashions industry;
How she came across being a world known classic fashion designer, the production, the marketing, customer acquisition strategy, financials, revenue streams, main costs, key players, profits, pricing strategy, customer acquisition strategy, what makes up your highest cost etc.
Tami was so much frustrated about the ridiculous terms different banks have been giving her, all because she wanted to raise 20 million for her brand.
Her 4 friends were always there for one another to encourage but at this point each were facing diversified challenges.
She was forced to say This country is a scam, and it's as though the system is set up for you to fail, is that in anyway true?
How can a bank be asking for collateral worth one hundred and fifty per cent of the value of the loan, she hasn't even received, lol...
All 5 coming into the conclusion that "this adulting thing is a Scam😊
The story of the five friends really interests me, but focusing on Tami for today;
Tami was already giving up saying "it seems this passion isn't feeding me, make I just go find job" as my dad don dey complain on top my matter, as he has been the one funding my business" which he isn't ready to do so again; Tami sobbing..
I will end with Tsola's reply here:- Do you know how many miles I got when I first started out? it's part of the game. The trick is to be resilient enough that your desire to success exceeds your fear of failing.
Fail faster, learn and move!
I hope you got value?
Excerpt from: The Smart Money Tribe by Arese Ugwu
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