The Power of Name

 The Power of Name 

_(...a clean slate to work upon)_

Have you ever imagined a world without names attributed to everything in it?

A confused place it would be.

Naming a thing, you need to be confident in yourself, that you have been given the capacity to name it.

Once the confidence is gone, you can never be confident in presenting the name to others.

When a baby is born, the parent are in the utmost capacity to name the baby,

One of the point I am driving at is the fact that, you need to man your position to Call things as God has placed them in your mind.

Back to dream, purpose and vision.

God has given you the capacity to see beyond.

You are in the best position to tell your dream to the world, while we follow closely and see how we can contribute to making your dream come to reality.

You must name it first,

You must see it first,

You must work on it first,

You must believe in it first,

You must take the action first,

Then we all follow.

It is possible to do great things from a small place.

Name it and we'll call it, just by that!

Name your brand,

Name your vision,

Name your start up!

Be confident in doing so. 

In this short time in few months, I've come across different brand names, different Empowerment summits,

I know undoubtedly the owner of those vision, believed so much in them until its fully fleshed and came to life.

Now it has come to stay,

Name it and we'll Call it by your name.

Have faith in your own Ideas.

I am rooting for you.

© TheGracedPen'24


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