On writing well (2)


"Clear thinking becomes clear writing; one can't exist without each other".

It's all about writing well.

Writing is hardwork and a clear sentence is no accident.

Clutter is a disease in American writing.
As a writer you learn to keep eliminating those element in a sentence/your writing that is doing no useful work.

What weakens the strength of a sentence are words with no function or a passive construction of words.

The Reader who is an Elusive creature is a person assailed by many forces (TV, Radio, mails, social media in general) competing for attention.

As a writer, for you to be on track and not be lost in weaving your words together without any connectivity, keep asking yourself "what am I trying to say?, have I said it?

Simplify till you can simplify no more (smiles).

Book Title: On writing well
Chapter: Two  (Simplicity)
Author: Williams Zinsser

This is just the starting point darling, get your jotter and pen, Get the full sweetness of the book by reading it. I'm sure you got value for your time.
See you in the next chapter.

Review: TheGracedPen'23

#Day2 #writingcommunity #writersoflinkedin


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