Before Nysc

 Before Serving my fathe💚r's Land

Hi, LinkedIn families, trust you all are doing great?

Just a brief update about the things that helped me between the period of being done in University and waiting for Service towards my father Land.

I am sure it will help someone out there.

Finishing the journey of four years course is actually a big deal for me, it wasn't a bread and butter thing. Sometimes you just feel discouraged to continue, but then you keep reminding yourself the reason why you started in the first place .

Today isn't for my undergraduate Journey.

I was thinking Life after school, hope there wont be too much pressure? Hope everything will just go on as planned? At a point, I felt let me just be done and start planning.

I planned the plan I can plan, but I felt the plan wasn't planning at all, lol, because Some plans didn't work out, while some did.

I wasn't discouraged, I always pick my self up after any challenges, of course, if I don't who will?

These were the things that guided me through

1. I knew I only had few months before nysc registration, so I conditioned my mind to that, toward achieving some set goals and it helped.

2. I kept listing everything, as irrelevant as they might seem, I outlined them in my notepad.

3. I pondered on how I can make myself better not considering what it will cost me, even isolated myself from any form of distraction of any kind and it helped me. 

4. I kept decluttering at any given chance, so as to keep my thinking straight .

5. And it's said that I am helped by God 

Below were the things I was able to get done then.

* Learnt new skill set such as Academic writing in order to monetize my skill, I needed to take the course.

I furthered my catering learning and making of some special pastries

* I volunteered with an NGO Leadheart Initiative; Enlightenment of the masses on the Sustainable Development Goals was done under the leadership of

* My personal fellowship with God took a new turn and discipleship @BsfFunaab also was a big fulfilment from my end and also ministered at the Library units retreat. 

* I was the Youth Pastor for this year, in my local Baptist church, it's always a one week long program. 

* For sure, my business kept running, no stopping

* I had more time for the publication of my contents on all my social media handles.

* I was selected as part of the local coordinator for the Student for Liberty Movement SFL, taking the course; ain't a joke, even though I am not serious with it for now😪

*My God's given assignment too @VirtueNetworkInternational kept thriving too. 

* I got some certifications; Jobber man, TAFTA, the others are still on Alison app, yet to be claimed.

*There are some class I was unable to finish with then, will surely be done with them in few months.

And lastly, I prepared myself for NYSC 

Coupled with the fact that, I had some emotional unrest then, All these were accomplished by the Grace of God , just to make myself a better version of whom God has created me to be.

One last thing, don't feel discouraged if everything isn't going as planned, make SURE, you do your BEST and leave the REST for God.





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