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Few weeks later

🔵 Just consider yourself out of this company if you aren't in this with me, after all you came into this company through my help; Tunde whispered into Gloria ears, which is IJ P.A. Okay sir; she said with the no-choice look on her face. And make sure you get the tiniest details about their relationship, anyways I'm sure the post was given to him on the altar of immorality, nevertheless, just find out that for me.

I will do just that sir, Gloria reiterated.

🔵COO Office

Do not forget the Agbamu deal we are yet to seal, my dad has been so much interested in this project since we are being awarded this contract for the past 3years, it won't be nice loosing this now, IJ said looking so worried.

I, I mean we can't do this, I can't involve myself in bribery, 10million isn't a chicken feed! I'm sorry I can't. M. D said convincingly. Hey, Femi, we can't keep banking on your high morale hoping that it will land us the contract, I want this contract documents at Maryland suite by 6:30pm tomorrow. Okay? What! IJ, I can't, I can't, after the experience i  had with you at the Hotel room when we both journeyed to Abuja for the business trip, I can't! Fine; Femi, I won't do anything crazy, this is for project and project alone.

Next day

🔵 Femi's home

Pastor you are welcome sir, I didn't know you would be here today, Femi said, I told Him; Ife mi, really? you shouldn't have stressed him. Nevertheless, welcome sir. Thanks for stopping by, I am really grateful.

So, how did it happen? Mrs Precious, he came back from work and as we are about entering the house, that was how he passed out , I had to call the doctor, so he came over to treat Him and he is taking a week off from work. All thanks to God oo, the wife explained. So what was the main issue; It's all about the stress at work lately, and I've been having enough rest but then. femi' responded. Bro. Femi', you have to dedicate reasonable time to resting henceforth, God will keep helping you in Jesus name.

🥤IJ and Gloria came in, as Pastor Right was speaking.

Welcome, welcome Ma IJ, thanks for coming around, Femi's wife gave them a warm welcome.

Femi was looking lost on his seat, oh! IJ, Gloria, you are welcome. But you shouldn't have bothered coming around since you have a lot of work ahead. 

Yes! I know It's not too much to come by and check up.

Oh, pastor, pardon my manners, meet Ijeoma, IJ meet my pastor. Welcome sir, IJ responded with an annoying look. she thought to herself, all these so called pastors Sha, what are they looking for? 

Pastor leaving Femi's House

🥤Pastor, my regards to mummy too. Precious said, yes, I will deliver your message my dear sister, but one more thing, I hope the fire on your family altar is still burning? Daddy, it has never remained the same since my husband became the M.D, he is now very busy that he give little or no attention to this, all he keeps saying is that He is sorry for not making it up to our prayers these days. Precious responded.

You must just work on that, because the prayers is more needed at this time. The power of Hell won't take over your family in Jesus name.


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