Can you change a person's behavior??

Can you change a person who doesn't see an issues in their actions! May be No!

Changing another person’s behavior is really hard. It is definitely not an impossible task, but there are only certain behaviors you can try to change about other people. Ultimately, though, you can only make changes to yourself that will hopefully positively affect the people around you.

To making changes in someone; you can

* Discuss the problem with the person

* Accepting a Potential Lack of change

* Help to alter the behavior

Discussing the problem with the person entails;

- Identify the behaviour 

You should try your best to identify the behavior you want to change in that particular person.

- Then, you have to determine if the person is open to changing that behaviour. Hmmm,I feel this is where the challenge lies.  You sure don't have to ask directly from the person, you just have to figure out that yourself, if he's ready to change.

- Then tell the person that the behavior bothers you. While doing this some little changes can erupt for a while even if not permanent.

Accepting a Potential Lack of change entails

- Know what you can control; you change yourself first in a particular aspect.

- Accept that you cannot change somethings; accepting this won't make you force somethings to work and believe God changes person.

- Decide if you can accept the person, if this behavior does not change, if you know you can, keep pointing the person's attention to it for a while and if you can't, just make sure you avoid any instance that can make the behavior come up or reflect so as to avoid 


....any issues.

- Helping the person to alter the behavior is

- Give the person information about the behavior that will encourage the person to change, because information plus Opinion as a trusted acquaintance might help to bring result.

Just don't nag or belabour it.

*Then you can increase the person's awareness of negative behavior.

* Give positive feedback

* Reward good behavior

* Offer a support network to the person while in the process of change.

These are the stages of changes 

💫 Pre contemplation stage

💫 Contemplation stage

💫 Preparation stage

💫 Action stage

💫 Relapse stage

So do well, to observe the stage the person is, and change is constant, you might be trying to change positively in some aspects too,it's not bad to track the stage you are.

© GracedPen

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