In a Toxic relationship; you'll feel these way

Good day🌏🥰, how is it going over there? hope it's a stress-free day for you😊?

 You are not selfish for distancing yourself from people who drain you; okay?

To drain : means to exhaust physically or emotionally. 

 Relationship is an important factor in making impact in life i.e from where you are to a global level.🌏

There is a saying " you can never grow or rise in isolation, this is very true and proven to be realistic.

Apart from being bored in some certain stages of life, the more reason you should engage in invaluable relationships is so as to leverage on other people's level of sacrifices serving as catalyst in catapulting you to that seen-stage where the world wide knows you.

But what's the place of Toxic relationship ? Excuse me🤷

 In a Toxic relationship; you'll feel these way:

Being Around Them is Hard Work.

You are Constantly in a Negative Mood.

Everything is About Them.

You Walk Around on Eggshells.

You Feel Controlled.

Your Self Esteem Is Not Very High.

Your Needs are Ignored etc

 Toxic relationships will drain you, avoid relating with them. But if you can cope and change the person at your own detriment, it's fine.

If you notice you emit any of these signs in yourself relating with others; change your ways because it destroys.

" You are not selfish for distancing yourself from people who drain you".

Connect with me live on IG: GRACEDPEN and make use of the comment section box.

Thanks for reading.

Adedokun Grace (pka GracedPen).


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