
Showing posts from June, 2023


  The story of My Life😀🤍. On the 27th May; the world's Children day, I was privileged to speak with some Teenagers with the program tagged " The story of my life". When given this topic - I was amazed that, what could be that thing that birth this topic, what's the secret behind the visioneer tagging the program 'The story of my life". I quickly keyed into the spirit of the move, since I had to deliver and that's one of the best thing I can never be tired of; impacting the coming generation. The things I got to share with them was that:- 1. You need to be careful of whom you talk to during your down times:- Lot of people shatter their heart further by approaching or seeking for counsel in their down moment, I am not disregarding the fact that whom you will approach must balance their conversation with you in the sense that; when they need to scold you, they must. When they need to draw you into their arms they will surely do that; apparently it would co


 WHY I LOST MY VOICE. I was so furious and burning with anger within me on that fateful day. Immediately I started feeling, God intentionally did this, so as to save my reputation, so as not to cause me to making the matter worse. I was so much ready to fight tooth and nail that fateful day. What was the matter? A fierce argument was going on with different proofs from both parties. I was disagreeing and agreeing within me but the level of my disagreement was much more higher than the agreement. "I needed to speak up, I needed to contribute to what's been said, because what's all these false accusations, I won't sit here and listen to all these things " Those were the thought running in my head and spoken  through my heart. I know there are situations you are going through, that if at all, you are given the chance to involve yourself in, It might turn the whole situation around for bad, not because your opinion is bad, but there will be misunderstanding, you might