Mirror 🔎 The soothness of my precious light hairy skin I can't regain, Its piercing effect can't be overlooked, My impatience shattered it all, Forever broken at the sight of my ever dancing eye, Your perfect weird look; I couldn't withstand. Bringing out possibilities of meeting my real self, Revealing all the excesses for normalcy, Leveling up my insufficiencies, How on earth, will I let you move an inch? Never will you be a write-off. Never in the world to come, Will I ever hurt you, You gave me the clearest image of my puzzled self. My Mirror. #MeditateWellOnTheCharacteristicsOf aMirror #ThisWrittenAboveIsJustAFew #Anything/'oneYouCanPutInPlaceOfAMirror? #Mirror #Countdown #Day07 © GracedPen 2020