

 Love yourself, Be yourself, Cherish yourself.

Character is beauty

 Just like a drop of water in the oceans, so is your attitude or character. Character is beauty. It will count. It really matters


 Smile, Your smile is therapeutic.


 To heal from any kind of hurt or pain takes time,  But now sure you heal

Value each day

 Value yesterday but live in today Live in today but think about tomorrow

Silence vs ranting

 I'd choose silence over ranting, Because ranting can be a means of communication also, Choose wisely which is the best in the situation of Life.

When you thought He was done with you!

  She was looking so confused not knowing where to start. Everything she has been building for good 10years from the scratch has just been watered down within few seconds. Fire-Outbreak is a devastating thing. God is not done with you YET! she heard a still voice whispered in her heart. It's not something totally bad to feel this way whenever things go wrong, but our reaction to it is what matters. A whole lot of times, we have some of our plans crafted out, somethings might just creep in unexpectedly be it in our career, family, finances etc but ours is to Trust God for the better and brighter plans He has in store for us. TRUST GOD enough that you trust Him with each happenings in your life. You know He who Has and knows the future, it's high time you trusted Him in all aspects of Life. Afterwards BE CALM, being calm makes you align in the particular position he wants you to listen attentively. It brings you to the position of being ready to hear what God has to say. LISTEN,